Saturday, July 21, 2007

Missing McCall This Year

The details are falling into place, the bags are being packed and the credit card charges are showing up. Shortly we will hit the road for two very busy weeks of travel (Degges style). Doug grew up going to McCall Idaho every year and you can understand why--it is beautiful and we will miss being there with the Morgans this year. I grew up with rare vacations but when they occurred we took some kind of strange, complex and circuitous itinerary. So this year at my request, we are going on that kind of trip. This requires us to prioritize our top sites to see in any one area, we know we can't see it all, but we are going on the road in search of adventure, friendly people, good memories and funky places to stay! Of course the road trip is different today, what with blog postings and GPS and all. But we still plan to sing "99 bottles of beer on the wall", fight over the front seat and get lost at least once. We do hope you will log in from time to time and drop us a note on this site--we will post our postcards here.

Here is the plan:
July 29 Red eye flight to NYC
July 30 sight-seeing in NYC and night at the Larchmont Hotel
July 31 more NYC and then the 5:50 train to Montauk (like in the Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind) night at the Montauk Motel
Aug 1 ferry to Block Island, to explore Nana's childhood summer home. Night at the Narragansett
Aug 2 Ferry to Providence, pick up car and drive to Boston. Freedom Trail and night in the Hotel 140 (a converted YMCA)
Aug 3 Plymouth Rock then to Salem night at the Hawthorne Hotel
Aug 4 long day driving to Philadelphia
Aug 5 Explore historic Philadelphia drive to Lancaster in the evening-night at Walnut Lawn B&B
Aug 6 Explore Lancaster County and Gettysburg --night at James Getty's Hotel
Aug 7 Drive to Williamsburg night at the Fife and Drum Inn
Aug 8 explore Jamestown and maybe drive to Monticello. End up in Killmarnock, VA with our friends Steve and Lori Richardson for a little rest before we fly home from Richmond on the 11th


swimmingjax said...

hi it is working now

swimmingjax said...

Just got your site! Enjoy!

srichpf said...

Sounds like quite a vacation! We have the crabs on order, the boat's in the water and gassed up, maggie, sue, hallie mae and loon (the kayaks)are ready for a midnight paddle (or a trip back to Naughty Beach) and Maddie (our puppy) can't wait to chew on someone else's stuff. We'll check in on your progress and can't wait to see you. Have a safe and adventurous journey!

Lori and Steve

Anonymous said...

Hello Doug. If I had a file of " Hollaback Girl" , I would send it too you. Now.. down to business.



Our hopes and prayers are with you! I'm non-religious.




surpies said...

Howdy ya'll! Checking in from Deep South.. Antartica.. just thot i let u know dat i luv ur blog.. like literally... like totally... like tatally.. ttly.

celeste said...

I'm so glad you are blogging this trip. Can't wait to hear about all your adventures.

promidwife said...

I want to go with Lori and Steve kayaking and crabing!

I will be in your beloved McCall AUgust 7-13 so adivice on where to eat and what to do is much appreciated!